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Subgenre Sampler

CounterpointCounterpoint (1967)
Dir. Ralph Nelson
Feat. Charlton Heston, Maximilian Schell, Leslie Nielsen
During World War II, a conductor (Charlton Heston) and his orchestra are captured by the Nazis while touring Europe. While held captive in a castle,…
Elvira MadiganElvira Madigan (1967)
Dir. Bo Widerberg
Feat. Pia Degermark, Thommy Berggren, Lennart Malmer
Ultra–romantic story of an army officer and a tightrope dancer who sacrifice everything for each other. Filmed like a shampoo commercial, it…
Far from the Madding CrowdFar from the Madding Crowd (1967) Recommended
Dir. John Schlesinger
Feat. Julie Christie, Peter Finch, Terence Stamp
Pastoral, moody epic set in 18th Century England follows the romantic intrigues of an independent woman farmer with three men. Photography by Nic…
Forsyte Saga, The (TV Series)Forsyte Saga, The (TV Series) (1967) Recommended
Dir. David Giles, James Cellan Jones
Feat. Eric Porter, Ngaire Dawn Porter, Kenneth More
The BBC's acclaimed version of John Galsworthy's series of novels known as "The Forsyte Saga", which cover the lives of five generations of a wealthy…
Graduate, TheGraduate, The (1967) Aro Favourite
Dir. Mike Nichols
Feat. Dustin Hoffman, Anne Bancroft, Katherine Ross
An endearing Dustin Hoffman in his first leading role, is seduced by a middle–aged woman and then falls in love with her daughter. A brilliant…
Incident, TheIncident, The (1967) Aro Favourite
Dir. Larry Peerce
Feat. Martin Sheen, Tony Musante, Beau Bridges
This stark, hard–hitting melodrama depicts two young thugs who drunkenly taunt and terrorize their fellow passengers on a New York subway…
MouchetteMouchette (1967)
Dir. Robert Bresson
Feat. Nadine Nortier, Jean-Claude Guilbert, Maria Cardinal
An impoverished young girl in rural France bears the brunt of hard times in this perfectly formed study, taken from the novel by George Bernanos.…
Oedipus RexOedipus Rex (1967)
Dir. Pier Paolo Pasolini
Feat. Silvana Mangano, Franco Citti, Alida Valli
Striking visual achievement, filmed amidst the Moroccan desert and Bologna, describes the Oedipal tale of a tortured soul who murders his father and…
Poor CowPoor Cow (1967) Recommended
Dir. Ken Loach
Feat. Carol White, Terence Stamp, Malcolm McDowell
Striking the tone of much of his subsequent work, Ken Loach's debut film gives a semi–documentary edge to the story of 'poor cow' Carol White,…
Reflections in a Golden EyeReflections in a Golden Eye (1967)
Dir. John Huston
Feat. Elizabeth Taylor, Marlon Brando, Brian Keith
Adaptation of Carson McCuller's novel. Taking place on a peacetime army base, a career officer finds his personal and professional life compromised…

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