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Subgenre Sampler

Cheaper by the Dozen 2Cheaper by the Dozen 2 (2005)
Dir. Adam Shankman
Feat. Steve Martin, Eugene Levy, Bonnie Hunt
Lacklustre sequel to the 'family comedy' in which Steve Martin and Bonnie Hunt marshall and grapple with their impressive brood of twelve children,…
Chicken LittleChicken Little (2005)
Dir. Mark Dindal
Beautifully animated tale of an easily–alarmed, nerdish young chicken who one day causes a coop–wide panic that the sky is falling, and…
Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch And The WardrobeChronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe (2005) Recommended
Dir. Andrew Adamson
Feat. Tilda Swinton, James McAvoy, Jim Broadbent
A splendid and meticulous vision of C.S. Lewis' classic children's fantasy novel in which a group of four young siblings – ensconced in an…
Corpse BrideCorpse Bride (Tim Burton's Corpse Bride) (2005) Recommended
Dir. Tim Burton, Mike Johnson
Feat. Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter, Emily Watson
An animated tour–de–force from dir. Burton which fuses spindley puppetry and subtle CGI for its mythic tale of a sallow young bridegroom…
Dr. Dog (TV Series)Dr. Dog (TV Series) (2005)
Zippy animated series based on the celebrated book by author Babette Cole about a well–meaning pooch with a medical degree. Kinda kooky fun for…
DreamerDreamer (2005) Recommended
Dir. John Gatins
Feat. Dakota Fanning, Kurt Russell, Kris Kristofferson
Good, old–fashioned family fare in which Russell plays an ace horse trainer who rescues an injured filly on behalf of his young daughter…
Dress-Up Box, The (TV Series)Dress-Up Box, The (TV Series) (2005)
Delightful roleplay series for pre–schoolers, with each episode revolving around a bottomless dress–up box full of costumes and props,…
DumaDuma (2005) Recommended
Dir. Carroll Ballard
Feat. Campbell Scott, Hope Davis
A 12 year–old South African boy, who has rescued a cheetah cub and raised it on his father's farm, must fulfil a pledge to return it to the…
Fantastic FourFantastic Four (2005) Recommended
Dir. Tim Story
Feat. Ioan Gruffudd, Jessica Alba, Chris Evans
A surprisingly fetching adaptation of Stan "Spider–man" Lee's tale of a group of astronauts transformed by accidental exposure to cosmic…
Great Yokai War, TheGreat Yokai War, The (Yôkai daisensô) (2005)
Dir. Takashi Miike
Feat. Chiaki Kuriyama
The latest cinematic mash–up from dir. Miike (AUDITION) is a family–orientated adventure in which a shy young boy from a broken family…

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