Subgenre Sampler
Family: 1833 Films to Buy & Rent
Cheaper by the Dozen 2 (2005)
- Dir. Adam Shankman
Feat. Steve Martin, Eugene Levy, Bonnie Hunt…
- Lacklustre sequel to the 'family comedy' in which Steve Martin and Bonnie Hunt marshall and grapple with their impressive brood of twelve children,…
Chicken Little (2005)
- Dir. Mark Dindal
- Beautifully animated tale of an easily–alarmed, nerdish young chicken who one day causes a coop–wide panic that the sky is falling, and…
Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe (2005)
- Dir. Andrew Adamson
Feat. Tilda Swinton, James McAvoy, Jim Broadbent…
- A splendid and meticulous vision of C.S. Lewis' classic children's fantasy novel in which a group of four young siblings – ensconced in an…
Corpse Bride (Tim Burton's Corpse Bride) (2005)
- Dir. Tim Burton, Mike Johnson
Feat. Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter, Emily Watson
- An animated tour–de–force from dir. Burton which fuses spindley puppetry and subtle CGI for its mythic tale of a sallow young bridegroom…
Dr. Dog (TV Series) (2005)
- Zippy animated series based on the celebrated book by author Babette Cole about a well–meaning pooch with a medical degree. Kinda kooky fun for…
Dreamer (2005)
- Dir. John Gatins
Feat. Dakota Fanning, Kurt Russell, Kris Kristofferson…
- Good, old–fashioned family fare in which Russell plays an ace horse trainer who rescues an injured filly on behalf of his young daughter…
Dress-Up Box, The (TV Series) (2005)
- Delightful roleplay series for pre–schoolers, with each episode revolving around a bottomless dress–up box full of costumes and props,…
Duma (2005)
- Dir. Carroll Ballard
Feat. Campbell Scott, Hope Davis
- A 12 year–old South African boy, who has rescued a cheetah cub and raised it on his father's farm, must fulfil a pledge to return it to the…
Fantastic Four (2005)
- Dir. Tim Story
Feat. Ioan Gruffudd, Jessica Alba, Chris Evans…
- A surprisingly fetching adaptation of Stan "Spider–man" Lee's tale of a group of astronauts transformed by accidental exposure to cosmic…
Great Yokai War, The (Yôkai daisensô) (2005)
- Dir. Takashi Miike
Feat. Chiaki Kuriyama
- The latest cinematic mash–up from dir. Miike (AUDITION) is a family–orientated adventure in which a shy young boy from a broken family…