Subgenre Sampler
Family: 1833 Films to Buy & Rent
Jungle Book 2, The (2003)
- Dir. Steve Trenbirth
Feat. Haley Joel Osment, John Goodman, Jim Cumming…
- Another of Disney’s recent animated ‘sequels’, here revisiting the characters of their classic 1967 version of Kipling’s…
Kangaroo Jack (2003)
- Dir. David McNally
Feat. Jerry O'Connell, Anthony Anderson, Estella Warren…
- A misadventure comedy ensues when two friends from Brooklyn, NY are forced to deliver mob money to Australia, only to see it 'stolen' by a kangaroo…
Land Before Time 10: The Great Migration (2003)
- A revival of the series and climax of various subplots, as the dinosaurs set out on a migratory journey in which Littlefoot is reunited with his…
Little Robots (TV Series) (2003)
- A group of cute robots are the motley heroes of this likeable animated series. There are jokes, drama and songs to be had aplenty as they construct…
Looney Tunes - Back in Action (2003)
- Dir. Joe Dante
Feat. Brendan Fraser, Jenna Elfman, Steve Martin…
- Veteran toons Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck are successfully dusted off for the 21st century big–screen, interacting with live actors in a frantic…
Metalheads (TV Series) (2003)
- Animated TV series set among a group of kids training in a jousting school in the Middle Ages.
Volume 3 – The Stick in the Stone, Ye…
Miffy (TV Series) (2003)
- The iconic, Dutch–designed rabbit makes her animation debut (with friends) in this adorable series of pithy animations, based on Dick Bruna's…
Miracle of Bern, The (2003)
- Dir. Sonke Wortmann
- Set in grim post–WW2 West Germany, this passionate, if broadly–handled drama respools a backdrop of events leading to the shock triumph…
My Dad The Rock Star (TV Series) (2003)
- Animated Nickelodeon series centred around a close replica of that living–breathing cartoon: Gene Simmons of the rock group 'Kiss'. Rock…
Party Animals (TV Series) (2003)
- Young childrens TV series featuring singing and dancing with Buddy, Chopper, Snuffles, Poppy and Tippy in their party house at the edge of the…