Synopsis: Director Damien Chazelle's epic set in 1920s Los Angeles tells a tale of outsized ambition and outrageous excess, tracing the rise and fall of multiple characters during an era of unbridled decadence in early Hollywood.
“A film that’s thinking big, aiming big, acting big: but feeling medium… Yet it’s always a pleasure to be in the presence of such black-belt movie stars as Pitt and Robbie and there is something funny in Babylon’s wild, event-movie gigantism.”~Peter Bradshaw, The Guardian
Member Reviews
Average rating (Good Enough). Showing 1-2 of 2 member reviews.
2 stars (Good Try) Although it is too long its production values and a driving soundtrack help to maintain some interest. Some excellent ensemble dance numbers are the highlight. Margot Robbie tries really hard and cannot be faulted for lack of effort. ~Tubbs
3 stars (Good Enough) 2.5 stars rounded up. Some good bits, but overall, too long. ~L
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