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Roxy Cinema in Miramar.
aka: Se7en
USA 1995, 126 minutes
Dir. David Fincher
Rating: [R18]
Genres: Suspense/Crime / Psycho, Serial Killers, Policier
Aroview: Director David Fincher imbues the hackneyed serial-killer genre with astonishing directorial flair, while bringing an influential 'underground' sensibility to the mainstream.
Cinematography, editing, and soundtrack brilliantly combust in a cocktail of seat-riveting tension as Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman peel back the clues in tracking a disturbed maniac.
Average rating (Very Good). Showing 1-3 of 4 member reviews.
5 stars (Exceptional) A brilliant feature debut from Fincher, this gritty and dark detective thriller thrusts together an almost perfect cast and has them play out a sinister script that will have you on the edge of your seat - and trembling in its final moments. ~Tom H
4 stars (Very Good) A diabolical serial killer stages grisly murders, choosing victims representing the seven deadly sins. Well crafted cinematography, white-knuckle suspense and some truly stomach-turning scenes. ~GenXGirl
5 stars (Exceptional) Stylish and brutal, Fincher delivers a brilliant trio of performances from Freeman, Pitt and an incredible Spacey, as well as an edge-of-your-seat dectective mystery with a shocking, unforgettable ending. ~Wizzums
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