Samuel L. Jackson
Filmography (All Films)
Sunset Limited, The (2011)
- Dir. Tommy Lee Jones
Feat. Tommy Lee Jones, Samuel L. Jackson
- Cormac McCarthy's one–room play is animated by the mesmerizing acting of Tommy Lee Jones and Samuel L. Jackson in this intense two–hander…
Avengers, The (Marvel's Avengers) (2012)
- Dir. Joss Whedon
Feat. Robert Downey Jnr., Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson…
- Barnstorming blockbuster with Marvel's premier superheroes joining forces to combat Thor's evil brother Loki and his alien army.
Skilfully helmed…
Django Unchained (2012)
- Dir. Quentin Tarantino
Feat. Jamie Foxx, Christoph Waltz, Leonardo DiCaprio…
- A cracking blaxploitation western from Quentin Tarantino, about a liberated slave who, with the help of a German bounty hunter, sets out to rescue…
Adventures in Zambezia (Zambezia) (2012)
- Dir. Wayne Thornley
Feat. Leonard Nimoy, Abigail Breslin, Jeff Goldblum…
- A wing–tipped animated adventure set in Africa, about a spirited young falcon who, with the help of his bird friends, must rescue his father…
Turbo (2013)
- Dir. David Soren
Feat. Ryan Reynolds, Paul Giamatti, Michael Pena…
- Fuel–injected snails race to compete in the Indy 500 in this zippy animated adventure, firmly in the spirit of Pixar's winning CARS.
Old Boy (2013)
- Dir. Spike Lee
Feat. Josh Brolin, Elizabeth Olsen, Sharlto Copley…
- Spike Lee remakes Park Chan–wook's devastating revenge film about a man kidnapped and locked into solitary confinement for 20 years without…
Robocop (2014)
- Dir. José Padilha
Feat. Joel Kinnaman, Gary Oldman, Michael Keaton…
- Paul Verhoeven's electric blockbuster about a tormented robotic supercop is rebooted for the 21st century.
Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)
- Dir. Anthony Russo, Joe Russo
Feat. Chris Evans, Samuel L. Jackson, Scarlett Johansson…
- The Marvel juggernaut rolls on with this colossal sequel to the Captain America storyline, in which Steve Rogers must clear his name after being…
Kingsman: The Secret Service (2014)
- Dir. Matthew Vaughn
Feat. Colin Firth, Taron Egerton, Samuel L. Jackson…
- Good–natured, violent spoof in which gentleman spy Colin Firth recruits an unrefined but promising street kid into the ultra–competitive…
Big Game (2014)
- Dir. Jalmari Helander
Feat. Samuel L. Jackson, Onni Tommila, Felicity Huffman…
- Bonkers actioner with Sam Jackson as the U.S. President relying on a teenager for aid after Air Force One crash lands in Finnish forest.
Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)
- Dir. Joss Whedon
Feat. Robert Downey Jnr., Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo…
- More Marvel mayhem has the team forced to reassemble after Tony Stark and Bruce Banner awaken a long dormant peacekeeping program.
Hateful Eight, The (2015)
- Dir. Quentin Tarantino
Feat. Samuel L. Jackson, Kurt Russell, Jennifer Jason Leigh…
- An extremely bloody western from Tarantino that features a typically stellar cast as a group of miscreants and misanthropes holed up in a cabin in a…
Chi-Raq (2015)
- Dir. Spike Lee
Feat. Nick Cannon, Wesley Snipes, Teyonah Parris…
- Brilliant Spike Lee musical transposing the classical Greek play Lysistrata by Aristophanes into the setting of a Chicago neighbourhood beset by gang…
Legend of Tarzan, The (2016)
- Dir. David Yates
Feat. Alexander Skarsgard, Margot Robbie, Samuel L. Jackson…
- Alexander Skarsgard swings into the role of Tarzan who having acclimated to life in London, is called back to his former home in the jungle to…
Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children (2016)
- Dir. Tim Burton
Feat. Eva Green, Asa Butterfield, Samuel L. Jackson…
- Tim Burton's spectacular adaptation of the young adult fantasy novel about a teenager who discovers a portal to a different time in coastal Wales…
Kong: Skull Island (2017)
- Feat. Tom Hiddleston, Samuel L. Jackson, Brie Larson…
- When a scientific expedition to an uncharted island awakens titanic forces of nature, a mission of discovery becomes an explosive war between monster…
Hitman's Bodyguard, The (2017)
- Dir. Patrick Hughes
Feat. Ryan Reynolds, Samuel L. Jackson, Gary Oldman…
- Smart–ass action shennanigans with Ryan Reynolds hired as a bodyguard to protect hitman Samuel L. Jackson who has to testify at the…
Glass (2018)
- Dir. M. Night Shyamalan
Feat. Bruce Willis, Samuel L. Jackson, James McAvoy…
- An ambitious, unconventional superhero thriller that provides an intersection between the director M. Night Shyamalan's previous films Unbreakable…
Captain Marvel (2019)
- Dir. Anna Campion, Ryan Fleck
Feat. Brie Larson, Samuel L. Jackson, Ben Mendelsohn…
- Thoroughly enjoyable entry into the bloated Marvel Franchise, notable for being the first one to be female–led and female co–directed.…
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
- Dir. Jon Watts
Feat. Tom Holland, Samuel L. Jackson, Jake Gyllenhaal…
- Marvel–lous sequel to the hugely successful reboot 'Spider–Man: Homecoming', this follows the events of 'Avengers: Endgame', with Peter…