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HiFi’s Film Reviews

353 Films have been rated or reviewed by HiFi.

Imitation Game, TheImitation Game, The (2014)Recommended
2 stars (Good Try) Ah, biopics: composite characters, telescoped timelines, dramatic liberties. Cumberbatch is good, but the machinery you can hear grinding away in the background isn't the Enigma–cracker. I'd prefer to watch a documentary on this fascinating subject.
AlohaAloha (2015)
1 star (Turkey) Meandering, insubstantial and a waste of a good cast. To be brutally honest, I found the 'making of' doco more interesting than the film itself.
Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, TheGirl with the Dragon Tattoo, The (2011)Recommended
3 stars (Good Enough) Well–photographed and acted, stylish and gripping, but a bit redundant, methinks. However, the killer playing 'Orinoco Flow' on his reel–to–reel to get in the slayin' mood made this writer's day.
Olive Kitteridge (TV Mini-Series)Olive Kitteridge (TV Mini-Series) (2014)Aro Favourite
5 stars (Exceptional) A couple of plot contrivances aside, an astonishing piece of work from all concerned. Bitterly funny and true, the best TV I've seen in ages.
St. VincentSt. Vincent (2014)Recommended
3 stars (Good Enough) The script's a bit hand–me–down and threadbare (think Walter Matthau's undershirt) but the playing makes up for it. Was that Murray doing a smarmy Venkman smile at the end? Hope so.
Love & MercyLove & Mercy (Love and Mercy) (2014)Recommended
3 stars (Good Enough) Respectful and detailed, and the unusual structure probably offers more insight than a linear narrative would. Not sure if it quite comes off, but the reconstruction of the 'Pet Sounds' sessions is worth anyone's money.
DVD $19.95 $14.95
Dive BomberDive Bomber (1941)
2 stars (Good Try) If 'Casablanca' isn't just a movie, but 'movies', THIS Curtiz effort is 'offcuts of movies'. A grab–bag of genres, stodgily told. Enjoyable enough, but aren't those same 3 planes buzzing the field in every shot?
Mildred Pierce (TV Mini-Series)Mildred Pierce (TV Mini-Series) (2011)Recommended
3 stars (Good Enough) Faithful and minutely detailed, but the Curtiz version better serves the spirit of Cain's vivid prose, and I'd swap Winslet's worthy drudge for Crawford in a heartbeat. Worth watching for the sterling supporting cast, but a long haul.
Ruby SparksRuby Sparks (2012)Recommended
3 stars (Good Enough) A woman writes a script about a man who writes a woman and learns about love...have fun decoding the levels of narcissism and wish–fulfilment! Stylish and well–performed. I don't know if I fully swallowed the conceit, but good enough.
Captain PhillipsCaptain Phillips (2013)Recommended
3 stars (Good Enough) I wasn't expecting much, and was pleasantly surprised. Straightforward, gripping and avoids heroic cliche. The freshman Somali actors playing the pirates are extraordinary.

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