Subgenre Sampler
Outer Space: 167 Films to Buy & Rent
Dogstar (TV Series) (Dog Star) (2006)
- Off–kilter Aussie kids series following the exploits of a family on an intergalactic search for the family dog, after a gigantic spaceship…
Freedom (TV Series) (2006)
- Dir. Joe Egender
- Katsuhiro Otomo's distinctive character designs flavour this beautifully rendered seven–part anime serial, originally devised as a marketing…
Space Race - Superpowers, Secrets And Soaring Ambition (2005)
- A compelling, if slightly undercut chronicle of the exhilarating Cold War Space Race between Russia and America that captured the imagination of…
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005)
- Dir. George Lucas
Feat. Hayden Christensen, Natalie Portman, Ewan McGregor
- Dir. George Lucas completes his blockbusting space opera saga with a gratifying flourish, providing certainly the most thrilling of the 'prequels'…
Zathura (A Space Adventure) (2005)
- Dir. Jon Favreau
Feat. Dax Shepard, Kristen Stewart, Tim Robbins
- Highly effective 'sequel of sorts' to JUMANJI, with two squabbling kid brothers unearthing a strange clockwork boardgame in the basement, which upon…
Chronicles of Riddick, The (2004)
- Dir. David Twohy
Feat. Vin Diesel, Judi Dench, Thandiwe Newton…
- Vin Diesel goes on the run as 'Riddick', the anti–hero of PITCH BLACK, in a far more elaborate space opera based around the evil ambitions of a…
Star Wars - The Clone Wars (TV Series) (2003)
- Animated Star Wars 'micro' series set between EPISODE II: ATTACK OF THE CLONES and EPISODE III: REVENGE OF THE SITH, detailing the grand–scale…
Adventures of Pluto Nash, The (2002)
- Dir. Ron Underwood
Feat. Eddie Murphy, Randy Quaid, Rosario Dawson…
- Sci–fi comedy set in 2080 and following a lunar nightclub owner and ex–convict (Eddie Murphy) who is trying to keep the mafia out of his…
Edge of the Universe (2002)
- Feat. John Hurt
- Sequel to the TV series' THE PLANETS and UNIVERSE, which goes beyond the 'known universe' to outline the attempts and successes of astrophysicists to…
Firefly (TV Series) (2002)
- Feat. Adam Baldwin
- Devised by Josh Whedon, the creator of BUFFY and ANGEL, this intelligent sci–fi series concerns a small group of space–travellers aboard…