A truly strange and unpredictable horror movie that sustains an off–kilter and discombobulating atmosphere throughout its runtime.
American teenager Gretchen moves to a picturesque…
Seven–part documentary series, directed by respected filmmaker Ken Burns, addressing the horrors of WW2 from the perspective of American citizens from four different towns.
Provides an…
Pre–dating THE TWILIGHT ZONE by some years, the Master of Suspense created this iconic television series featuring self–contained tales of the macabre and darkly comic, with each episode…
A riveting drama that charts the apprenticeship of Donald Trump as a young huckster in the 1970s and 80s who is mentored in business chicanery by the notoriously crooked lawyer and…
Hailed by some as the greatest Godzilla film since the monster's sombre genesis in 1954. As with the original, a wartime subtext and some genuinely sad moments provide emotional heft, and…
An unforgettable drama about a disfigured aspiring actor who undergoes a radical medical procedure to drastically transform his appearance.
The plot is hinged on the inspiration and…
An extraordinary documentary series on the American Civil War, widely recognised as one of the greatest ever made.
Using archival photographs, music of the era and the guidance of…
An audacious, bittersweet comedy–drama that swept the Italian Oscars and broke domestic box–office records.
Directed, co–written and starring Paola Cortellesi, it’s a tale of domestic…
Another sublime stop–motion animated feature from Adam Elliot (Mary & Max) that chronicles the life of an outsider in poignant and hilarious detail.
Sarah Snook (Succession) voices Grace…
A young girl, raised outside of her Maori culture, is determined to fulfil her mission of connecting with her mountain in the hope they can heal her from the cancer she battles. Along the…