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Subgenre Sampler

Impulse (TV Series)Impulse (TV Series) (2019)
A withdrawn 16 year–old girl who struggles to fit in after moving to a new town discovers she has the ability to teleport while dealing with a…
DVD $29.95, $34.95 | Blu-Ray $34.95
A Discovery of Witches (TV Series)A Discovery of Witches (TV Series) (2018)
A romantic thriller series adapted from Deborah Harkness' trilogy of novels that uncovers a secret underworld of vampires, witches and daemons hiding…
DVD $34.95, $34.95, $34.95
Homecoming (TV Series)Homecoming (TV Series) (2018)
Haunting psychological thriller with Julia Roberts playing a woman who discovers she has been working for a mysterious government facility. Season…
DVD $34.95, $34.95
Salvation (TV Series)Salvation (TV Series) (2017)
Sci–fi suspense series about a grad student whose self–designed app discovers a giant asteroid is hurtling toward the planet and the…
DVD $39.95, $39.95
Timeless (TV Series)Timeless (TV Series) (2016-2018)
A time travel/alternate history sci–fi series in which a history professor, a soldier and a scientist attempt to stop a mysterious organization…
DVD $29.95
Travelers (TV Series)Travelers (TV Series) (2016)
Smart and thought–provoking time travel series exploring the concept that future humans can develop the technology to send their…
DVD $39.95 | Blu-Ray $39.95, $39.95
Expanse, The (TV Series)Expanse, The (TV Series) (2015)
Ambitious adaptation of the hugely popular science fiction novels by James S. A. Corey, set in a future where Mars and the asteroid belt have been…
DVD $44.95, $89.95 | Blu-Ray $34.95, $44.95
Helix (TV Series)Helix (TV Series) (2014)
Schlocky sci–fi thriller series from the Syfy channel that follows a team of scientists from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention…
DVD $69.95
Kings (TV Series)Kings (TV Series) (2009)
A bold and enjoyably bizarre drama fantasy series loosely based on the biblical story of King David (played by Chris Egan), but set in a kingdom that…
DVD $29.95
Titan Maximum (TV Series)Titan Maximum (TV Series) (2009)
Offbeat sci–fi spoof from the creators of ROBOT CHICKEN parodies 'Super Robot' serials and other intergalactic tropes with an obscure, but…
DVD $29.95
Doctor Who (TV Specials) [David Tennant]Doctor Who (TV Specials) [David Tennant] (Voyage of the Damned, The Next Doctor, Planet of the Dead, The Water of Mars, The End of Time) (2007-2010)Recommended
In his final appearance as the Tenth Doctor, David Tennant signs off in style with this two part Winter Special. Old nemesis The Master (John Simm)…
Blu-Ray $69.95
Sanctuary (TV Series)Sanctuary (TV Series) (2007)
Canadian sci–fi series from the makers of STARGATE SG1 focused around a crew of highly–gifted scientists who serve to protect an alien…
DVD $149.95, $189.95
Frisky Dingo (TV Series)Frisky Dingo (TV Series) (2006)
Twisted sci–fi animation from the 'adult swim' company (SEALAB 2021) introduces us to Xander Crews–playboy by day and superhero…
DVD $29.95, $29.95, $29.95
Maddigan's Quest (TV Series)Maddigan's Quest (TV Series) (2006)
Nicely–produced local series for children – adapted from Margaret Mahy's bestseller – set in a post–technological future…
DVD $25 $18.75
Doctor Who (Series 2) [David Tennant]Doctor Who (Series 2) [David Tennant] (Dr. Who) (2005-2006)Recommended
Tenth 'regeneration' of the enigmatic Doctor Who with David Tennant bequeathed the Tardis and sidekick Rose (played again by Billie Piper) in a new…
DVD $15 $11.25, $50 $37.50
Battlestar Galactica (TV Series)Battlestar Galactica (TV Series) (2004-2009)Recommended
Following on from the 2003 miniseries, this has been hailed as Sci–Fi’s greatest TV series to date... SEASON ONE: 13 episodes over 4 DVDs…
DVD $80 $60
Farscape (TV Series)Farscape (TV Series) (1999-2003)
Suprisingly resourceful sci–fi series, with Channel 9 and Jim Henson collaborating in an extended saga of intergalactic intrigue. Human…
Blu-Ray $44.95, $44.95, $44.95, $189.95
Tribe, The (TV Series)Tribe, The (TV Series) (1999-2003)
Set in an post–apocalyptic future where all adults have been wiped out by a virus and children must fend for themselves by ganging up together,…
DVD $69.95 $50
Crime Traveller (TV Series)Crime Traveller (TV Series) (1997)
Naturally inspired by Dr. Who, though with its own unique charms, this cult sci–fi series marries classic British sleuth fiction with the…
DVD $29.95
Outer Limits (TV Series)Outer Limits (TV Series) (1995-2002)
A worthy and faithful 90s remake of the cult 60s series, exploring the extremities of humanity’s hopes and fears through science fiction scenarios…
DVD $139.95
Sliders (TV Series)Sliders (TV Series) (1995-2000)
While experimenting in his lab, budding genius O'Connell unwittingly invents a teleportation device that slides open portals to alternate realities…
DVD $29.95
Tekwar (TV Series)Tekwar (TV Series) (1994-1996)
Ropey but enjoyable future–noir adapted from William Shatner's sci–fi novels, about a police officer framed for murder and trafficking…
DVD $49.95
Seaquest DSV (TV Series)Seaquest DSV (TV Series) (1993)
Deep sea is the final frontier in this popular mid–nineties riff on STAR TREK, logging the oceanic adventures of an advanced submersible vessel…
DVD $29.95
Chocky (TV Series)Chocky (TV Series) (1984)Recommended
One of the best sci–fi TV serials of the 1980s is set around a schoolboy who begins to develop supernormal talents. It seems an alien force has…
DVD $44.95 $20, $44.95
Day of the Triffids (TV Mini-Series)Day of the Triffids (TV Mini-Series) (1981)
More convincing and clinical than previous adaptations of John Wyndham's novel, this BBC series depicts the blinding of Earth's human population and…
DVD $24.95 $18.70
Buck Rogers in the 25th Century (TV Series)Buck Rogers in the 25th Century (TV Series) (1979-1981)
Kitsch TV serial adapted from the comic strip with Gil Gerard as the all–American 20th Century astronaut who is cryogenically re–animated…
DVD $59.95 | Blu-Ray $39.95
Children of the Stones (TV Mini-Series)Children of the Stones (TV Mini-Series) (1977)Recommended
A spooky classic of British television, in which a scientist and his son move to the village of Milbury, only to be sucked into a quasi–pagan…
DVD $25 $20
Fantastic Journey, The (TV Series)Fantastic Journey, The (TV Series) (1977)
A short–lived but influential 70's sci–fi show about a team of protagonists who jump from one time zone to the next, encountering bizarre…
DVD $44.95
Survivors (TV Series)Survivors (TV Series) (1975-1977)Recommended
Memorable post–apocalyptic drama serial following a small group of survivors after 99.9% of Earth’s population has been wiped out by a deadly…
DVD $35 $26.25, $35 $26.25
Kolchak: The Night Stalker (TV Series)Kolchak: The Night Stalker (TV Series) (1974-1975)Recommended
Darkly comic supernatural series following newspaper reporter Carl Kochak as he attempts to uncover supernatural occurrences in downtown Chicago.…
DVD $49.95
Space 1999 (TV Series)Space 1999 (TV Series) (1974- 1978)
A live–action creation from puppet–master Gerry Anderson about a crew of scientists stationed on "Moonbase Alpha". With sterling…
DVD $89.95 | Blu-Ray $159.95
Tomorrow People, The (TV Series)Tomorrow People, The (TV Series) (1973)
Fitted out with stun–guns, digital watches and a talking biotronic computer called TIM, a group of highly–evolved youngsters also enjoy…
DVD $139.95
Night Gallery (TV Series) Night Gallery (TV Series) (1970-1973)
Spooky suspense series, hosted by Rod Serling, with each episode adapted from a sci–fi and horror short story. While not up to Serling's…
DVD $29.95, $29.95, $39.95, $79.95
Time Tunnel, The (TV Series)Time Tunnel, The (TV Series) (1966-1967)Recommended
One of producer Irwin Allen's (LOST IN SPACE) most ambitious and successful series, finds two US scientists working on the secret time–travel…
DVD $59.95
Thunderbirds (TV Series)Thunderbirds (TV Series) (1965- 1966)Aro Favourite
The complete series of Gerry Anderson's exemplary puppet suspense TV series that continues to enthrall new generations. Set around the…
DVD $89.95

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