Subgenre Sampler
Sales > Television > Science Fiction: 35 films to Buy
Impulse (TV Series) (2019)
- A withdrawn 16 year–old girl who struggles to fit in after moving to a new town discovers she has the ability to teleport while dealing with a…
- DVD $29.95, $34.95 | Blu-Ray $34.95
A Discovery of Witches (TV Series) (2018)
- A romantic thriller series adapted from Deborah Harkness' trilogy of novels that uncovers a secret underworld of vampires, witches and daemons hiding…
- DVD $34.95, $34.95, $34.95
Homecoming (TV Series) (2018)
- Haunting psychological thriller with Julia Roberts playing a woman who discovers she has been working for a mysterious government facility. Season…
- DVD $34.95, $34.95
Salvation (TV Series) (2017)
- Sci–fi suspense series about a grad student whose self–designed app discovers a giant asteroid is hurtling toward the planet and the…
- DVD $39.95, $39.95
Timeless (TV Series) (2016-2018)
- A time travel/alternate history sci–fi series in which a history professor, a soldier and a scientist attempt to stop a mysterious organization…
- DVD $29.95
Travelers (TV Series) (2016)
- Smart and thought–provoking time travel series exploring the concept that future humans can develop the technology to send their…
- DVD $39.95 | Blu-Ray $39.95, $39.95
Expanse, The (TV Series) (2015)
- Ambitious adaptation of the hugely popular science fiction novels by James S. A. Corey, set in a future where Mars and the asteroid belt have been…
- DVD $44.95, $89.95 | Blu-Ray $34.95, $44.95
Helix (TV Series) (2014)
- Schlocky sci–fi thriller series from the Syfy channel that follows a team of scientists from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention…
- DVD $69.95
Kings (TV Series) (2009)
- A bold and enjoyably bizarre drama fantasy series loosely based on the biblical story of King David (played by Chris Egan), but set in a kingdom that…
- DVD $29.95
Titan Maximum (TV Series) (2009)
- Offbeat sci–fi spoof from the creators of ROBOT CHICKEN parodies 'Super Robot' serials and other intergalactic tropes with an obscure, but…
- DVD $29.95
Doctor Who (TV Specials) [David Tennant] (Voyage of the Damned, The Next Doctor, Planet of the Dead, The Water of Mars, The End of Time) (2007-2010)
- In his final appearance as the Tenth Doctor, David Tennant signs off in style with this two part Winter Special. Old nemesis The Master (John Simm)…
- Blu-Ray $69.95
Sanctuary (TV Series) (2007)
- Canadian sci–fi series from the makers of STARGATE SG1 focused around a crew of highly–gifted scientists who serve to protect an alien…
- DVD $149.95, $189.95
Frisky Dingo (TV Series) (2006)
- Twisted sci–fi animation from the 'adult swim' company (SEALAB 2021) introduces us to Xander Crews–playboy by day and superhero…
- DVD $29.95, $29.95, $29.95
Maddigan's Quest (TV Series) (2006)
- Nicely–produced local series for children – adapted from Margaret Mahy's bestseller – set in a post–technological future…
$25 $18.75
Doctor Who (Series 2) [David Tennant] (Dr. Who) (2005-2006)
- Tenth 'regeneration' of the enigmatic Doctor Who with David Tennant bequeathed the Tardis and sidekick Rose (played again by Billie Piper) in a new…
$15 $11.25, $50 $37.50
Battlestar Galactica (TV Series) (2004-2009)
- Following on from the 2003 miniseries, this has been hailed as Sci–Fi’s greatest TV series to date...
SEASON ONE: 13 episodes over 4 DVDs…
$80 $60
Farscape (TV Series) (1999-2003)
- Suprisingly resourceful sci–fi series, with Channel 9 and Jim Henson collaborating in an extended saga of intergalactic intrigue.
- Blu-Ray $44.95, $44.95, $44.95, $189.95
Tribe, The (TV Series) (1999-2003)
- Set in an post–apocalyptic future where all adults have been wiped out by a virus and children must fend for themselves by ganging up together,…
$69.95 $50
Crime Traveller (TV Series) (1997)
- Naturally inspired by Dr. Who, though with its own unique charms, this cult sci–fi series marries classic British sleuth fiction with the…
- DVD $29.95
Outer Limits (TV Series) (1995-2002)
- A worthy and faithful 90s remake of the cult 60s series, exploring the extremities of humanity’s hopes and fears through science fiction scenarios…
- DVD $139.95
Sliders (TV Series) (1995-2000)
- While experimenting in his lab, budding genius O'Connell unwittingly invents a teleportation device that slides open portals to alternate realities…
- DVD $29.95
Tekwar (TV Series) (1994-1996)
- Ropey but enjoyable future–noir adapted from William Shatner's sci–fi novels, about a police officer framed for murder and trafficking…
- DVD $49.95
Seaquest DSV (TV Series) (1993)
- Deep sea is the final frontier in this popular mid–nineties riff on STAR TREK, logging the oceanic adventures of an advanced submersible vessel…
- DVD $29.95
Chocky (TV Series) (1984)
- One of the best sci–fi TV serials of the 1980s is set around a schoolboy who begins to develop supernormal talents. It seems an alien force has…
$44.95 $20, $44.95
Day of the Triffids (TV Mini-Series) (1981)
- More convincing and clinical than previous adaptations of John Wyndham's novel, this BBC series depicts the blinding of Earth's human population and…
$24.95 $18.70
Buck Rogers in the 25th Century (TV Series) (1979-1981)
- Kitsch TV serial adapted from the comic strip with Gil Gerard as the all–American 20th Century astronaut who is cryogenically re–animated…
- DVD $59.95 | Blu-Ray $39.95
Children of the Stones (TV Mini-Series) (1977)
- A spooky classic of British television, in which a scientist and his son move to the village of Milbury, only to be sucked into a quasi–pagan…
$25 $20
Fantastic Journey, The (TV Series) (1977)
- A short–lived but influential 70's sci–fi show about a team of protagonists who jump from one time zone to the next, encountering bizarre…
- DVD $44.95
Survivors (TV Series) (1975-1977)
- Memorable post–apocalyptic drama serial following a small group of survivors after 99.9% of Earth’s population has been wiped out by a deadly…
$35 $26.25, $35 $26.25
Kolchak: The Night Stalker (TV Series) (1974-1975)
- Darkly comic supernatural series following newspaper reporter Carl Kochak as he attempts to uncover supernatural occurrences in downtown Chicago.…
- DVD $49.95
Space 1999 (TV Series) (1974- 1978)
- A live–action creation from puppet–master Gerry Anderson about a crew of scientists stationed on "Moonbase Alpha". With sterling…
- DVD $89.95 | Blu-Ray $159.95
Tomorrow People, The (TV Series) (1973)
- Fitted out with stun–guns, digital watches and a talking biotronic computer called TIM, a group of highly–evolved youngsters also enjoy…
- DVD $139.95
Night Gallery (TV Series) (1970-1973)
- Spooky suspense series, hosted by Rod Serling, with each episode adapted from a sci–fi and horror short story. While not up to Serling's…
- DVD $29.95, $29.95, $39.95, $79.95
Time Tunnel, The (TV Series) (1966-1967)
- One of producer Irwin Allen's (LOST IN SPACE) most ambitious and successful series, finds two US scientists working on the secret time–travel…
- DVD $59.95
Thunderbirds (TV Series) (1965- 1966)
- The complete series of Gerry Anderson's exemplary puppet suspense TV series that continues to enthrall new generations.
Set around the…
- DVD $89.95