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s36e175’s Film Reviews

31 Films have been rated or reviewed by s36e175.

This is 40This is 40 (2012)Recommended
4 stars (Very Good) Thoroughly enjoyed it after a slightly messy start. Insightful and honest portrayal of people and life. Also helps if you\'re a fan of Graham Parker.
ElysiumElysium (2013)
4 stars (Very Good)
SecretarySecretary (2002)Aro Favourite
3 stars (Good Enough) A strange love story. The acting is very good and the characters draw you in.
DVD $20 $15 | Blu-Ray $34.95
CriminalCriminal (2004)
3 stars (Good Enough) A competent con–man drama, but a little predictable.
Hope SpringsHope Springs (2012)
5 stars (Exceptional) Great for any middle aged couple to see. No idea why they bill it as a comedy though.
Secret WindowSecret Window (2004)
2 stars (Good Try) A nasty little movie with nothing more to offer than violence and madness. I guess some people like that kind of thing.
WanderlustWanderlust (2012)
4 stars (Very Good) Good hippie fun : )
Our Idiot BrotherOur Idiot Brother (2011)
4 stars (Very Good) Light and fluffy and very watchable.
Salmon Fishing in the YemenSalmon Fishing in the Yemen (2011)Recommended
4 stars (Very Good) A comedy / drama / romance – as in the first third is mostly comedy, the second mostly drama and the last third mostly romance. An unusual way to build a film, but it keeps it interesting.
Burning ManBurning Man (2011)
4 stars (Very Good) Urban Cinefile said \"A powerful & moody film that delves into the A–Z of life, love, death, sex, parenthood, frustration & acceptance.\" Agree, but it went on a bit long. Based loosely on the director\'s own experience. Definitely not a comedy.
Ellie ParkerEllie Parker (2004)
2 stars (Good Try) Interesting art–house movie. Started well but became tedious. Not fascinating or hilarious as some reviews suggest. One strictly for art–house fans.
OSS 117: Lost in RioOSS 117: Lost in Rio (2009)Recommended
3 stars (Good Enough) Quite amusing.
Happy Ever AftersHappy Ever Afters (2009)
3 stars (Good Enough)
SubmarineSubmarine (2010)Aro Favourite
3 stars (Good Enough) Maybe 3.5 stars is more accurate. Just when you think these people need to take better control of their lives you realize that this is probably a pretty realistic depiction of the world.
SuperSuper (2010)
4 stars (Very Good) It\'s much better that it sounds : ) You don\'t often get comedy, violence and touching humanity all mixed together and done so well.
Small Town Murder SongsSmall Town Murder Songs (2010)
2 stars (Good Try) Not much happens, and the characters didn\'t draw me in, so what can I say?
Cedar RapidsCedar Rapids (2011)
4 stars (Very Good) Forrest Gump meets The Hangover. A naive small town guy goes to the city and learns a lot about people and himself... and it was fun.
Another YearAnother Year (2010)Recommended
4 stars (Very Good) A little sad, but very well done. My wife thought it didn\'t really go anywhere, which is true, but that\'s mainly because it\'s character oriented rather than plot oriented. Leslie Manville was the standout (as a 50 something surely?).
DVD $24.95 $18.70
UnknownUnknown (2006)
4 stars (Very Good) Good twists and turns.
Love BirdsLove Birds (2011)Recommended
3 stars (Good Enough) Quirky and fun +1
Tree of Life, TheTree of Life, The (2011)Recommended
4 stars (Very Good) This is much more about philosophy and religion than it is about entertainment. I found it really interesting, but it would have benefited from being edited down somewhat. My wife found it tedious.
AgoraAgora (2009)Recommended
2 stars (Good Try) Found it shallow and pretentious, which is never fun when the subject has real potential for depth. Perhaps a sign that the writer/director lacked real understanding of the subject matter so all he could do was give it the cliched once–over.
CatfishCatfish (2010)Recommended
3 stars (Good Enough) Interesting to watch in the background while you\'re doing something else, but couldn\'t command my full attention.
What I Have WrittenWhat I Have Written (1995)
4 stars (Very Good) Really enjoyed its twists and turns. I saw this with a friend whose verdict was \"A typical F****** Melbourne movie\". To which I responded, \"What\'s the matter mate, not enough car chases for you?\"
LantanaLantana (2001)Recommended
4 stars (Very Good) I saw this movie many years ago, but I still remember it.
DVD $24.95 $18.70
Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone, TheRoman Spring of Mrs. Stone, The (2003)
4 stars (Very Good) An average drama, but made notable by multiple scenes with Helen Mirren at 58 engaged in coitus. Will have the mature male audience transfixed if no–one else.
Boogie WoogieBoogie Woogie (2009)
3 stars (Good Enough) Not a lot of substance but strangely quite watchable.
Lust and RevengeLust and Revenge (1996)
4 stars (Very Good) Interesting satirical movie and quite amusing. In these days of high def the VHS tape looked a bit fuzzy though.
Red RoadRed Road (2006)Recommended
3 stars (Good Enough) Interesting but a bit slow to start (recommend a bit of fast forward in the first half). The first half was also pretty bleak but it finished strongly.
Head in the CloudsHead in the Clouds (2004)
4 stars (Very Good) Head in the Clouds has more plot depth than the synopsis suggests.
Up at the VillaUp at the Villa (1999)
3 stars (Good Enough)

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